You may remember my article The Library, True Love & Testosterone from my juvenile university days when I had just come out of a uterus. I expounded on the purpose of libraries which, it seems, is to cater to the needs of acne-ridden post-pubescent males in their desperate search for girls.
What about us women??? Where was our daily dose of male eye candy when we needed it? Why did I waste three years of my life at a top albeit hot-guy-less uni (except for the Business and English male students. They were fit) getting a degree when I could have been doing something more productive with my life, like stalking and taking photos of hot men from behind bushes (oh wait, I did that anyway)? Why weren't there any fit guys in the Library's Chaucer section? Why did the chicken cross the road? What is the mechanism responsible for breaking the electrowek gauge symmetry, giving mass to the W and Z bosons? Why do people sneeze with their eyes closed?
What about us women??? Where was our daily dose of male eye candy when we needed it? Why did I waste three years of my life at a top albeit hot-guy-less uni (except for the Business and English male students. They were fit) getting a degree when I could have been doing something more productive with my life, like stalking and taking photos of hot men from behind bushes (oh wait, I did that anyway)? Why weren't there any fit guys in the Library's Chaucer section? Why did the chicken cross the road? What is the mechanism responsible for breaking the electrowek gauge symmetry, giving mass to the W and Z bosons? Why do people sneeze with their eyes closed?
Basically, why are there no hot guys in public places?
(Not that I care, seeing as I have a super hot boyfriend of my own [aka Baby Man. Yes that's what I call him. No he is not one of those weird baby mutant things. Shut up. Poo heads.]. Indeed, after dating various blokes I wasn't really interested in [sorry if any of you are reading this, it's nothing personal. I'm sure you're all wonderful and not boring at all], I finally acknowledged Baby Man's numerous attempts to woo my amazing self [including one time when he showed up at my student house in final year to serenade me with his guitar - MEGA LOL, OK it was quite romantic - then asked me out, causing me to do my Nelson-from-The-Simpsons laugh and say 'No'] [perhaps I should cool it with the parentheses]. Certes, a few months after graduation in July 2011 [with my FIRST CLASS WITH DISTINCTION THANK YOU VERY MUCH TAKE THAT MISS WOODRUFF], Baby Man and I got together in London and have now been in what they call 'a relationship' for the past year and a bit [Relationships. EWWWWWW]. To think that two years ago, I was actually cool and had boasted about wanting to end up a strong, independent, feminist business tycoon spinster with nine cats, a pink private jet and a butler in a thong. WHAT HAS MY LIFE COME DOWN TO???)
But I digress. The topic of discussion is in fact GYM RATS.
There seems to be a higher proportion of good-looking women than there is of attractive men, making life difficult for the awesome chicks of the world. After all, how are we to get any OPTICAL respite from the harsh lives we lead? We can hardly do any chatting up due to the serious lack of eye candy, so we get chatted up instead. Which is all very nice and everything, but seriously, at the gym???
I mean, can you name one woman who LIKES answering the question 'How you doin' when her legs are spread at a 180° angle on the outer thigh machine? Or feeling your hard... BICEPS (OMG I know what you were thinking, you filthy-minded person!!!), when wearing so little to no make-up that she looks like Uncle Fester from the Addams Family? Or agreeing to go on a coffee date afterward wearing her oversized, tea-stained SpongeBob t-shirt and Oxfam pyjama trousers used as trackie bottoms?
OR when she looks and smells as if a giant Golden Retriever had relieved himself on her?

No-oh. I didn't THINK so.
Guys, just leave us alone.
I will now go make myself some organic green tea.
Copyright © Caffeine Bubbles, 24 Jan 2013, London, UK
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