Sometimes, I feel the urge to make use of gruesome physical violence, similar to that demonstrated by Patrick Bateman in the infamous raincoat scene in "American Psycho".

Except without the raincoat and Huey Lewis music. (I'd probably go for a Burberry trench coat and some Massive Attack. Maybe. Wow, sometimes I scare myself.)
So where DO these murderous urges come from, you may ask?
Let me give you an example:
"Ohmigosh Kathy told me that Ed and Anna are back together which I think is so lame seeing as they only broke up like a week ago because of Ed's facial herpes and on top of that everyone knows he has like a major crush on Sally but she doesn't realise it so he's like so depressed and I think he's only going for Anna because of rebound but then again who knows, they might turn out to be the cutest couple at uni, though I doubt it looking at her awful skin tone, I mean you'd hardly classify her as cute would you, unless your standards had dropped to worshipping people like The Hulk, then I'd understand but then again she wouldn't be too unfortunate-looking if she wore a bit of foundation but ohmigosh I hear she can't even afford make-up at the moment because she went on this mega shopping spree last week and spent like all her student loan on a pair of Jimmy Choo boots from H&M's which are so gross-looking and it's so silly because they do nothing for her figure and like..."
If, while reading that, you experienced feelings of:
- annoyance
- boredom
- and told yourself that this person was pathetic and you wanted to place your fist on their nose at high velocity
(Be warned, this article bitches about those who bitch and gossip. There may be a chance that you will feel personally offended.)
Yeah. People who BITCH and GOSSIP. They are ANNOYING and BORING. Fact.
For three simple reasons:
- 1) I don't care
- 2) Yack yack yack yack
- 3) You are now 51st in my top 50 of cool people

The problem is, it appears that bitching and gossiping are an epidemic, especially among people who present the following symptoms:
- a semblance of having no life
- a desire to fill silences with incessant babble
- a high level of insecurity
Main side effects include a tendency to come across as:
- judgmental
- mean
- pathetic
- arrogant
If you find yourself in the vicinity of an individual who bitches and gossips, try to avoid them as much as possible as they may be contagious and you could begin to experience violent urges to strangle them which will be a danger not only to them but also to... actually no, only to them.
(Warning: Only works if the person is so engrossed in what they're saying that they don't notice you creeping up behind them.)
(Warning: Only works if the person is so engrossed in what they're saying that they don't notice you creeping up behind them.)

Copyright © Caffeine Bubbles, 19 Feb 2010, Warwickshire, UK
The problem is, it appears that bitching and gossiping are an epidemic, especially among people who present the following symptoms:
* a semblance of having no life
* a desire to fill silences with incessant babble
* a high level of insecurity
Looking at this list you are talking about 75% of Americans.
Baseball use to be the national pastime, now its just bitching and whining.
Added you to my blogroll, sorry I didn't get to it last night.
I guess I'm #51.
It's only because I absolutely have NO life though. :)
Thank goodness I got out of uni fast. And to think I wanted to remain a uni student all my life.
Looking at this list you are talking about 75% of Americans. - Beach Bum
Is it safe to assume that 75% of Americans are students? :-)
Okay.. I take it back. I'm not a big gossip. I can keep it in the vault if someone tells me something.
I am a bitch though. :P
Gossip is not a monopoly of students, or whining for that matter -- heh!
Politicians are leaders of the pack. Their gossip and innuendoes can cause destruction.
Just look at what Bush and Blair did -- their gossip about Iraq stokpiling WMDs caused destruction and havoc.
Come to think of it, they must have started the art of gossip when they were students!
"B" article is actually not that "B"
LOL, so true! Love your blog title. Caffeine is my drug of choice.
Beach Bum: Hmmm interesting... I wonder whether there is now a positive correlation between volume of the backside area and rate of whining per minute then? Added you to my blogroll too!
Sunshine: change while you can!
JaniceD: UNI IS AWESOME. I do think that gossiping and bitching isn't limited to students though.
Hillblogger: good point.
Andrew: it IS slightly. I've been told that the nature of my article is rather ironic.
Loving Life A Latte: Glad you like it! I have been compared to a caffeine bubble.
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