Do not trust hairdressers. Hairdressers are evil psychos. The lot of them.
Here is a transcript of the dialogue which took place at my hair salon this morning. (I may have paraphrased a bit for the purpose of accuracy.)
Caffeine Bubbles: Good morning, O beautiful hairdresser. I'm so sorry to bother you on this lovely day but -
Evil Psychopatic Hairdresser: WHADDAYAWANT.
CB: Well I was just wondering if I could please have a haircut if that's OK? I'm sure you must be very busy, so I understand if you don't have time, it's just -
CB: Could you please cut off 5cm? Observe my really long brunette-Blake-Lively-meets-Penelope-Cruz hair [cue millions of multicoloured butterflies and soft violins as CB's beautiful mane is softly rustled by the wind]. I want it to remain that way, just 5cm shorter.
CB: That's right. Thank you so much for your understanding, you are a wonderful, talented human being with so much kindness in your heart.
EPH: I UNDERSTAND PERFECTLY. [unsettling psychopathic smile as EPH holds up a shiny pair of lacerated scissors]
She cut off 20cm.
Me before


Me now

Well, sort of.
It is as though part of my soul has been ripped from me. Life will NEVER be the same again! Indeed, I am facing a bad hair year!!!!!!
(Note to self: in the future, cut your hair yourself.)

Copyright © Caffeine Bubbles, 31 August 2010, Brussels
1 comment:
That really sucks! It's happened to me before, but mainly when I was younger and my mum gave all the instructions to the hairdresser and thought that if she got them to do about five haircuts in one go (ie. making it really short), it would at least save her some money.
Your hair is lovely, and will probably look nice no matter what the style. Maybe you could consider a chic shoulder-length bob?
Anyway I didn't realise you were still writing Caffeine Bubbles but now I will definitely keep checking back!
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